Jan 01,2009
nudity | 7/10 A woman takes off her bikini top and we see her breasts. Lengthy and the only reason this is an 7/10 A man grabs a woman's bare breasts. Sexual comments. One of the monsters licks a woman's face slowly as she screams. A man proposes to rape a woman, but she fights back and hits him several times |
violence | 10/10 A man is stabbed in the hand and the arrow also goes through a woman's breast. A woman is shot in the eye with an arrow, and a man eats her eyeball which has popped out of her head. A man is stabbed through the mouth with a pole (blood pours out). A man's body is sliced into three vertical parts with a wire booby trap, and aother man starts to eat his insides. A bus is rammed by another car several times until it crashes and overturns. A man has a bloody head after an accident. A man is head-butted. A man has a knife thrown into his neck. A man is hit with the back of a gun. He spits up lots of blood. A man is shot point blank in the head (lots of blood splatter). A bus explodes. A boy bites someone and he is shot. A boy's head is cut off (we only hear the knife slicing). There are several scenes where people fight and punch each other. A man discovers a boy's head on a pike. A man sets off a booby trap that slices off his face with a sickle. A man's legs are cut off at the knees with knives. A man is heard throwing up. A man sets off a booby trap that wraps barbed wire around his body and face, he is then dragged behind a truck (very bloody). A man's face is covered in blood after being repeatedly punched. A man is bitten by a dog. A pole is dropped down a man's mouth. A man is lit on fire. A man is stabbed in the leg. Two women are seen wrapped in barbed wire. Two men fight, one has a hook stabbed in his back and he pulls it out. A man is stabbed in the arm with a hook that is dragged down to his hand and rips off some fingers. A man is stabbed in his chest and back with a hook and he is dragged with the hook still in his back. A man has his head cut open with an axe, and a man cuts out a piece of brain and eats it. A man is stabbed in the arm. A dog attacks a man and he kills it offscreen (we hear the dog yelp). A man is stabbed through the back with a pike that has a boy's head on it. A man is stabbed in the shoulder with an axe. A truck crashes into a tree and throws a man forward. A man is stabbed in the head with a hook that bursts out through his forehead. A man is shot in the back with an arrow and he spits up some blood. We hear a man being killed with a bloody weapon that is briefly seen. |
profanity | 10/10 Fuck is said nonstop, also Puta, Hell, Ass, Damn, God, Jesus Christ. A woman gives a man the middle finger. Name calling (Bastard, Bitch, Pussy, Cunt, Wetback and Beaner.) |
alcohol | 5/10 Two women are seen smoking a joint. Alcohol use. Alcohol and drugs references |
frightening | 10/10 There are many intense scenes (especially the murders). Very gory throughout Total - 42/50 16+ Recommended rating: R for strong graphic gruesome sadistic horror violence and gore, disturbing images, terror, some crude and sexual content including nudity, brief drug use, and pervasive language |