May 01,1988
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Adventure | Action
nudity | Suggested MPAA description: Rated 'PG' for Epic Battle Sequences, Some Scary Images, Brief Mild Language, and A Scene of Sensuality. Madmartigan dresses up like a woman and another man grabs one of his fake breasts and asks him "wanna breed?". Madmartigan sneeks into a woman's tent, under the effects of a love potion, and begins telling a woman how much he loves her, she is in a night gown (no nudity). An elderly lady is briefly seen nude from behind, but the lower-half of her body is obscured in darkness. Sorsha angrily makes fun of Madmartigan for wearing a dress(he was in disguise). Madmartigan tells her "I still got what counts." She replies "Not for long." Later, when Madmartigan sneeks into her tent to "steal" Elora, Sorsha pulls out a knife and says "Take one more step and you *will* be a woman." |
violence | There is a lot of action violence, most of it relatively bloodless, but it occasonaly semi-gruesome. Men are stabbed, sliced, shot with arrows, knocked senseless with sticks, swallowed by dragons, and other such violence. A troll attacks a character. The troll is then grabbed by one head of a two-headed dragon. The other head then takes a bite. You see both mouths grabbing on, and then the camera cuts away. Men (and a woman) are transformed into pigs. You see their faces graphically transform, and then a hand is shown, and then a few of them their whole bodies are shown transforming.(No nudity, they are all clothed.) Hot tar is poured onto several enemies. (Not gruesome or graphic.) |
profanity | "What/Where the hell" (3 times), "You jackass" (1 time) |
alcohol | A little man called a "Brownie" falls into a liquid and spits it out. He then yells, "BEER" and dives back in. |
frightening | Several intense scenes for younger viewers. Towards the beginning of the movie, a couple of dog looking beasts attack a woman. You're really not able to see much, but you know that they kill her. Also, the main plot of the movie is that a witch is trying to retrieve a baby so she can kill it, this may be a bit much for younger viewers. The scene where Bavmorda cuts some of Elora's hair for the sacrifice while Elora is crying might be unsettling to some viewers. A horseman is eaten alive by a double-headed dragon. All in all, the violence is enough to push the PG rating, and some it might be on-par with today's PG-13.(It was releaed in 1988. The PG-13 was around then, but it was not widely used until 1989, after Indiana Jones 3. Although listed above under violence, the scene where the witch turns everyone into pigs should be included here as it can be very frightening for young viewers. |