Jan 09,1997
Hollywood Movies | Action | Crime | Thriller
nudity | A man tells a woman that he wants to "nail" her. A man asks a woman about when she had sex for the first time and if she liked it. |
violence | Numerous people are shot, the shootings are rather graphic with bullet wounds and blood visible. Several instances of threatening with guns. A man is stabbed in the chest with a soap dispenser. Quite gory. A man flips over a seat and hits his head hard on the steering of a plane, presumably breaking his neck. A man is pistol-whipped across the face, resulting in a bloody nose. A woman is strangled. A man is sprayed and then hit over the head with a fire extinguisher. A man's foot is trapped in a closing door. A man's arm is broken. |
profanity | Some strong language including many uses of "fuck" and its derivatives. |
alcohol | A man is seen drinking a couple of times and gets heavily drunk. |
frightening | The plot of the movie focuses on a plane where two convicts break free and threaten/kill other passengers. Ray Liotta's character may scare some people. |