Jun 29,1989
nudity | Rated PG for violence and language. When Daniel is struck in the groin during the tournament a villain taunts "How are the family jewels?" Other than that nothing. |
violence | A guy breaks another guy's nose with a punch. Bullies nearly get hit by a train as they drive recklessly. Some martial arts fights. |
profanity | Several S-words (especially near the end) and a bunch of other mild swears. Uses of goddamnit, bullshit, and others. |
alcohol | The main villain is seen drinking early in the film and also smoking cigars from time to time. |
frightening | Bullies keep forcing the main character to sign up for the tournament by destroying the old man's tree shop and stealing his bonsai trees. They later trap him and his girlfriend in a canon filling with water and force him to sign it for his life. The main bully snaps a very precious bonsai tree in half although the old man manages to heal it overtime. The old man says he can't train the main character for tournament until he catches on what really happened. The main villain meanwhile, pretends to help the main character when in reality he isn't and even secretly laughs at one point. Later, he reveals his plan and it leads to a big karate fight. The final tournament fight is pretty tense too. |