Mar 22,2007
nudity | The movie starts with a woman giving birth in terrible conditions and in very graphic details. Sexual innuendoes are made by the male soldiers during the earlier parts of the film. A woman is raped by a mutant inside of his hideout. Suggestive movement and facial expressions, but no real nudity. Still hard to watch. |
violence | Very strong bloody and gory violence throughout. A man's dead body is shown with his intestines hanging out. A man is hit in the head with an axe (just below screen, although we briefly see blood fly up as he is hit). A man is impaled with a spear and thrown over a cliff. A man is found submerged in a chemical toilet, he is dragged out and shown to be covered in cuts, he then dies from septicemia. A man's mutilated body is found, his wallet has been shoved through his face. A man grabs hold of the wallet and pulls it out of the wound. A man's foot is grabbed by a mutant and he is dragged into an underground hole. He tries to use his free foot to stop himself from going down, however his leg breaks (we see blood splatter out) and he is dragged under. A man is killed when he is caught in a hail of gunfire. A man falls to his death when the rope he is using to climb down a cliff is cut. A man commits suicide by shooting himself. A man's hand is cut off and blood pours from the wound. A man accidentally blows himself and another man up in a cave. We see a close-up of a woman's face as it is implied she's being raped by a mutant. A mutant is stabbed in the chest with a large gun and his head is repetedaly bashed in with a rock until it's nothing but a shapeless bloody mess. A mutant is shot in the head, impaled with a spear and stabbed in the mouth with a large gun. One of the mutants makes suggestive comments towards the woman he has captured before forcing his tongue down her throat. |
profanity | 80 - 100 f-words and a lot of other swearing, including one use of the c-word. |
alcohol | none |
frightening | The first 5 minutes of the movie is disturbing, as is the entire movie with plenty of violence, gore, and sadism. Not for the weak of heart or anyone under 17. |