Sep 18,2012
nudity | Suggested rating: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material including drug content and some intense sequences of violence and action |
violence | A young man dies in a tsunami (off-screen). A couple of shootouts. One man makes repeated threats about killing Jesus. One shootout leaves three men shot (one of them dies). Two men engage in a climatic brutal fight in a fountain (no one dies). |
profanity | None |
alcohol | One character is a former drug dealer. This character's wife is an addict who is going through withdrawals for a long period of the film. |
frightening | Most of the characters are held hostage for a long period of time. The climatic fight is especially intense. This movie is has a lot darker content than the first movie. The message is unchanged but the "inner struggles" of each person are of a darker nature. This one would not be recommended for children under thirteen. |