Nov 24,2009
Hollywood Movies | Action | Crime | Thriller
nudity | A few scenes with male rear end nudity played for laughs. As with the first film, nearly non stop graphic sexual references, jokes, dialogue, and actions including jokes about homosexuality. |
violence | Just like the first movie, the main theme centers on two brothers (and the dad this time) out to kill more mafia thugs/ other evil men Viewers should know that the sequel has the same amount of graphic on-screen deaths and murders done execution style with bodies flying and blood splattering. |
profanity | 136 uses of fuck jokes are geared towards Hispanics/Mexicans (a friend of the Brothers is Hispanic) he also uses derogatory jokes and dialogue about his own heritage which may upset Hispanic viewers. |
alcohol | All the characters drink and smoke There are a few drug references but nothing graphic ( a reference to selling/trafficking ) |
frightening | the story of how the father became a killer is very upsetting Several characters killed execution style including flashbacks from the first movie. |