Feb 12,1988
Hollywood Movies | Adventure | Action | Crime | Thriller
nudity | Rated R for strong violence and some language. There is no sex or nudity in this film. |
violence | several violent sequences, people are killed, some of it onscreen, some of it offscreen, but it's fairly disturbing a woman is tied up and very bloody,and it looks like part of her mouth is missing. One scene depicts several men thrown off a cliff. A woman is shot off screen, her body is shown bleeding from her face. A man is shot under water - the scene is graphic and very realistic. |
profanity | 4 no more than 5 F-words. very minimal even for an R rated movie Use of profanity is not extreme but is apparent. |
alcohol | No apparent use of alcohol or drugs or smoking. |
frightening | Several exciting, possibly intense or frightening scenes. A man is knocked off a cable over a gorge, several men are thrown from a cliff, several scenes depicting a man hitting and threatening a woman - appear very realistic. This movie has numerous scenes that some may find too intense to be enjoyable. |