Jun 24,1964
Hollywood Movies | Comedy | Crime | Music
nudity | There are two implied sexual encounters in the film where a woman seduces men to get what she wants. Only kissing is shown on-screen so kids won't really know what is going on, but the dialogue leading up to it is fairly sensual as the woman gradually turns off all the lights in the room she is in. One seductive dance number lasts about a minute and a half where woman are dressed in belly-dancer outfits. A waitress wears a similar outfit. |
violence | Many implied killings, but none on-screen. |
profanity | Some h-words and d-words. Mild. |
alcohol | One song is entitled "Mr. Booze" and deals with the deadly consequences of alcohol, but it is more making a mockery of Christians than anything. One character is an alcoholic. All of the main characters drink. |