Aug 19,2011
Hollywood Movies | Action | Thriller | Horror
nudity | 5/10 sexual dialogue between the three main boys. Lots of crude gay slurs from the church members. Bare breasts are briefly shown on an iPhone screen. It's implied (though not shown) that a man received oral sex. |
violence | Graphic violence, which includes stabbing, shooting, strangling and blowing people up. Man is wrapped in plastic-wrap, suffocated and then shot in the head, then his body is further dumped through a trapdoor onto two other men. The corpses' leg breaks and the bone cuts one of the men on the leg. Some people are shot with assault rifles. FBI assault with bloody results, several headshots and graphic kills. |
profanity | 9/10 Excessive use of the F-word and lots of vulgar dialogue. Used mostly in the first 15 minutes. However, it is used sparingly after that period of time. |
alcohol | 4/10 Characters are shown drinking and driving, including people who may be underage. A man smokes cigarettes in a few scenes. |
frightening | 8/10 The gunfights can be very intense. Some may be surprised or frightened with the trumpets at the end. It comes out of nowhere and can be startling and even distressing. 33.5/50 14+ |