Jan 01,1995
Hollywood Movies | Thriller | Horror | Sci-Fi
nudity | 2/10, You see a girl in her underwear as she tries to seduce a man but it doesn't go any further from that, A couple kiss but nothing farther from that. |
violence | 5/10 Although most of the kills in the movie are mostly bloodless, a guard does have his throat ripped open by the creature, spraying blood everywhere. |
profanity | 5/10 The language isn't to heavy. A few uses of fuck, shit, bitch, etc. |
alcohol | 6/10, The main characters are heroin smugglers. A character is shown shooting up a couple time. The creature is also addicted to heroin. |
frightening | 4/10 Some mildly intense scenes. The creature is a shape shifter and nobody ever knows who it is. When the creature reveals itself it might be frightening to some. |