Aug 03,1979
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Comedy | War
nudity | A man and a European girl are about to have sex before they are interrupted. A woman is seen partially nude at a strip joint. A woman is dancing with pasties over her nipples. Her breasts are shown with the nipples covered. |
violence | Many people are shot and killed in the Vietnam sequences, often with bloody results. A man struggles with a bloody neck wound, and even spits out large quantities of blood. Several people receive minor injuries in a football game. A man is shot in the chest and later bleeds to death. A commanding officer and a U.S. congressman snicker a photo taken by the commanding officer of a dead Vietnamese civillian he claims he shot himself. Perhaps the bloodiest scene in the movie, the body appears to be severely beaten and scarred. A small barfight escalates into madness when the whole bar begins to join in. Later on, customers are seen with blood on their clothes. The National Guard breaks up a campus demonstration. They are seen beating students to a bloody pulp with their batons. An overall pretty violent movie for its PG rating. |
profanity | Mild profanity is used frequently throughout the film. |
alcohol | Hippies are seen getting stoned and taking LSD. A seen at a bar shows people drinking beer and other alchohol. |
frightening | A photo taken by the commanding officer in the Vietnam scenes shows a villager that was brutally beaten and shot. A campus demonstration broken up by riot police ends with a significant amount of the students involved being severely beaten. Rated PG for: Adult Content, Adult Language.(HBO advisory) |