Jan 12,2013
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Thriller | Mystery | TV Movie
nudity | A woman is seen in the shower naked. No frontal nudity is shown. |
violence | A woman hits a man with a small sculpture. There is a car crash but you don't see anything and goes black before the impact. A man hits a woman with a ceramic bowl. A woman can be seen laying on the ground with a small pool of blood. |
profanity | No strong language. |
alcohol | A man empties powder within a few pills into a woman's drink. A woman regularly takes medication. |
frightening | A man can be seen as possessive and sinister. A man records a woman sleeping and in the shower. A woman is blind therefore is vulnerable to danger. A father and a young child are killed in a road accident. A man replaces the father's face with his face in photographs on the wall. This is because the man is obsessive over looking after the blind woman and her life. Some 'jump scares' but not too frightening. Overall the film should be certified as a PG(13). |