Nov 06,2008
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Thriller | Horror
nudity | It's implied that as a child Leslie was sexually molested by her uncle. She relives that nightmarish shame and faces her uncle again via flashback. In it, she's still an adult, but she's dressed in a baby-doll dress and has bright, little-girl-playing-pretend makeup on her face. Leslie, who through most of the film wears a cleavage-baring dress, kisses Randy several times. Leslie also embraces Jack and tries to kiss him. In a provocative and sexually disturbing manner, Pete repeatedly says Leslie is "pretty" and that he "wants" her. (There's talk of violating her in his room.) |
violence | The four guests and their three hosts fight to the death in frenetic sequences that largely avoid blood and gore, but feature brutal assaults. Axes, meat hooks, guns, crowbars, candlesticks and knives are the weapons of choice. Heads are smashed. Torsos pummeled, etc. In a meat locker, pig carcasses take the brunt of quite a few blows, as if the director wanted to show meat being sliced but didn't want to put an ax through human flesh. People are held at gun- or knifepoint. At least four are shot. One is stabbed. Others fall through ice and either drown beneath it or are suddenly awakened from their hallucinations. We see them struggle for air. Jack purposely cuts his hand with a large knife to see if he'll bleed blood or black smoke. One of the couples fights, eventually killing each other. The woman stabs the man in the stomach. |
profanity | The word "h---" is once used as a profanity. |
alcohol | Jack jokes about free beers as a payment. |
frightening | When the tin man is revealed and seen in his mask its pretty creepy. An old woman and an old mans head start spitting out black smoke little girl falls through ice may be frightening for some viewers There are a few scenes where characters are in a room with satanic symbols on the walls, so some people might get frightened by that. A few scenes where Jack and Stephanie rewatch the moment in their life where their daughter falls through thin ice and drowns, noticeing their faults that caused her death will be extremely frightening especially to parents. |