Sep 11,2004
Hollywood Movies | Drama | War | History
nudity | A scene where several women, who are being kept as sex slaves, are shown naked (though nothing is seen) or nearly nude and crying and are described as prostitutes. |
violence | Some scenes of unarmed defenseless people pushed, beaten and threatened with knives/guns. However, most scenes of violence are not explicit or are shown at a distance. Many dead bodies are shown throughout. Murder, genocide, and strong violence are often mentioned and described including that of children, sometimes in detail. Gunfire at various parts of the film with some military violence and armed people shot. There are references of suicide. One particularly disturbing scene where several Hutu's can be seen murdering and screaming at Tutsi's with machetes. A scene where villagers are running from their homes as armed men shoot at them and burn their homes. |
profanity | Some strong language, at least 1 'f' word and a few uses of the word 's***', some racial slurs towards the Hutu and Tutsi who are often referred to as "cockroaches". |
alcohol | There are various scenes where people are offered and drink alcoholic beverages. |
frightening | Many intense moments of helpless people being threatened with armed attackers. Many scenes where characters see dead bodies. A man is almost forced to shoot his family and neighbors to death as punishment for lying. The subject matter is deeply disturbing and haunting, especially since it is a true story. 14-15+ |