Aug 04,2000
nudity | 6/10 There is a rape scene. It is implied and not graphic, but still fairly disturbing. Two occurrences of shown women's breasts. A man's nude buttocks are briefly seen. Some sensual moments (making out, groping, sex talk, etc). A man's penis is seen as he is walking in thermal vision, and before that briefly, though partially obscured. |
violence | 9/10 A guy falls onto a pipe and blood sprays from his neck. He slowly bleeds to death. A lot of blood is seen. A guy gets stabbed with a crowbar; bloody with some splatter. Another gets injured with the same weapon; we see several closeups of the wound. A woman is shot in the chest with a tranquilizer before her neck is snapped. A woman is strangled. We later see her dead body. A man is put through a great deal of abuse (getting set on fire, hit with crowbars, etc). A man is strangled and drowned. A gorilla bites the head off a mouse; pretty gory. A dog is messily killed; seen through thermal-vision. A room is seen covered in blood. |
profanity | 9/10 About 45 F-words, several anatomical references, lots of scatological references, many mild obscenities, many religious obscenities, and some other insults. |
alcohol | One man smokes a pipe in a brief scene. |
frightening | The movie is disturbing and intense non-stop, particularly the final half hour, when many characters get killed off one by one in a slasher movie style. Some may be disturbed by the transformation scenes where every innard of a human body is seen. |