May 16,2009
nudity | There are 2 scenes of Nudity in this movie. The first one is a full breast shot of a woman. They show her for a few brief seconds, then she wrestles with another character, but nothing besides non-sexual body parts are shown. The second shot is also out of the blue. It is closer to the end of the movie & is a frontal of a male. His penis is briefly shown in one shot. After that it is just the side of his naked body (no more nudity is shown) |
violence | Violence is not a main part of this movie. Closer to the middle/end of the show it does pick up a bit. One Gory scene is actually a "trip" w/ a man and woman wrestling in Blood. Just kind of a gross scene (& has the above mentioned nudity in it) The only REALLY graphic part is when one of the characters is dying, another character bashes him in the head w/ a rock... killing him. |
profanity | Not a lot but there is some cussing including the F word a few times. |
alcohol | Alcohol & drug use is talked about in here. A man drinking out of a flask is shown in 1 scene, but the others are telling him to lay off it. They do talk about using peyote threw out the movie.. It is used twice and both result in a "trip" |
frightening | Wouldnt say Frightening is a word used to describe this movie.. Intense would fit it. Nothing way out there besides the murder scene mentioned above. |