Widowed gay Cliff, a wealthy movie developer, has a strained relationship with his overweight adult daughter Millie. Millie is in a catch-22 situation where she feels negatively judged as an overweight person, but does nothing either to make her life better or to lose weight. Cliff is enacting what he considers tough love on her. She's currently unemployed and has no money, but he won't provide for her in her time of need in an effort to get her to do something with her life. Even when nice and good looking J.C. shows some interest in her, she dismisses him because she doesn't want to be with someone who likes her because she's overweight. And Millie sees her father's life as a purely hedonistic one, where everything is all surface and no depth. It isn't until Cliff tells Millie a story about his deceased wife/Millie's mother that they come to a better understanding of each other. Written by Huggo