Dec 05,1984
Hollywood Movies | Comedy | Action | Crime
nudity | A couple of scenes take place in a brothel.Some women in revealing clothing. No sex/nudity is shown. |
violence | A few fist fights in a comic style.No blood or bruises are shown. A boxing match is shown,and the two fighters are really going at each other.Some blood is shown on their faces. A man is shot in the stomach.No blood is shown but his body is thrown out of a window and crashes onto the top of a car.A close up of his bloody face is shown. A cop shoots a mobster in his stomach/chest area.Blood is shown as his body scrapes along the wall. Two dead bodies are shown in the morgue.No gore is shown. A man is choked by his tie but is played for laughs. A woman is run over by a car.Very quick and not graphic. A shootout takes place in the street.No one is killed.A man is seen having fuel dripping on him when a truck is shot at.When the truck explodes his clothes catch on fire but his body doesn't.He is then shot in the backside but no blood is shown. A shootout takes place in a garage.People are killed but no blood is shown. A man has Ether poured on his bare backside and a match is thrown on it but it is off camera. |
profanity | Some mild language. |
alcohol | Several characters are seen smoking and drinking. |
frightening | Most of the violence is played for laughs. The dead body been thrown from an apartment block could be intense for some people.Also the scene where a mobster is repeatedly shot at. |