Jun 21,1998
nudity | a man kisses a women no nudity a women is in a bikini a kid says boobs being silly a man kisses his dog a man says your hot to a women a man is swimming with a shirt nothing to bad 3/10 |
violence | a man is walking in a cornfield and a kid throws a piece of corn at him and he dies , not bloody a man is thrown from a hotel and dies , not bloody a kid falls on a sharp rock and cut his arm , a little bloody a women has a heart attack when she see's her dog dead ' a liitle bloody a man is shot with a pistol in the belly and dies ' bloody a man is being chased throw a cornfield and falls on a pitch fork Ofscreen ' not bloody cause of Ofscreen a kid trys to kill a man but the man escapes overall least violent of the series but still some mild violence |
profanity | none expect fuck 3 times |
alcohol | a man has a beer a man smokes with his wife a guy sneaks some crack from a store that's all nothing to bad 4/10 |
frightening | it is scary but still pretty cheesy spectacular film 12 or 13 least violent of the series but the most drugs of the series imdb recommended |