Oct 28,1997
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Romance | Thriller
nudity | A topless male is seen at several junctions of the film. A female is seen topless at one junction during the film. There are several sex scenes during this film. A man is receiving a massage in the bath and the scene evolves into him performing oral sex on his partner. This is implied and cleverly shot. The female is clothed. There are several sex scenes that requires nudity for both genders but filmed to be not objectifying either male or female. One sex scene involves a naked man's buttocks thrusting on his partner. In one scene a man wearing a bath towel comes to the rescue of a female who has started a fire in her kitchen. He removes his towel to use it to put the fire out, His genitals are not obscured. After he puts the fire out he re-enters the room fully naked, he his seen for several seconds fully naked his genitals and pubic hair are clearly displayed and there is no attempt to afford his modesty by clever film angles. |
violence | A man his hurt in the genital area during one scene. It is however, not filmed in the usual way to be comedic but a painful experience. There are other scenes of violence as one can expect for an 18 rated film. There is nothing that most adults would find disturbing and there are no scenes of gore. |
alcohol | Alcohol and cigarettes have minimal impact on this film. |
frightening | The opening of the film sees a women going into labour. This scene may be uncomfortable by those who find this to be rather disturbing due to it being rather protracted. However this due to the fact the character is trying to get to the hospital and is experiencing difficulty. |