In the beautiful Bavarian town of Oberammergau, two companions, Markus and Thomas, are utilizing the guidelines found as a part of an old Jewish journal to access a WW II underground army installation earlier codenamed: CERUSIT.
atch Bunker of the Dead Online
In the pleasant Bavarian town of Oberammergau, two companions, Markus and Thomas, are utilizing the directions found as a part of an old Jewish journal to access a WW II underground army installation once in the past codenamed: CERUSIT. Utilized by the Nazis as a mystery research establishment, there are covered bits of gossip right up 'til the present time about the lost gold of the Third Reich. The passageway to the hollow framework, in any case, lies right inside the confined territory of a U.S. army installation.. the first of numerous issues Markus and Thomas will need to confront. Outfitted just with a two-way-radio and a 3D camera, Markus infiltrates the limited territory and figures out how to find the passage to the underground office and later, the mystery base. In any case, what Markus does not know is that through his endeavors, he has not just drawn the consideration of the US Military.. in any case, something else that has figured out how to get by in a state of banishment for more than 70 years without extravagances... particularly nourishment. For Markus, it has now ended up race of life and passing.