Apr 06,1977
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Fantasy | Thriller | Horror
nudity | Parents kiss. |
violence | There is mild violence in the form of physical confrontation between two male adults. A girl burns her hands, the burns are later shown. One view of a blood on a girls forehead from a non-serious cut. Some blood on a woman's knees from falling and getting a rug burn. None could be called gory. There is a car accident where a girl and her mother are trapped in a burning car. |
profanity | There is some profanity throughout the film, several instances during an argument where the lords name is taken in vain if that is something you'd find offensive. Example words used in movie: Son of a bitch |
alcohol | Some minor alcohol consumption. No intoxication. |
frightening | Several scenes involving a child in dangerous situations. A brief scene involving a car accident and explosion. Also several scenes of a young girl having nightmares with screaming and sleepwalking. |