Jun 20,2012
Hollywood Movies | Action | Fantasy | Horror
nudity | 5/10 We see a non-sexual scene of a dead bare-chested woman. One a very brief scene when a man walks in on another man and a woman having sex in a very bubbly bathtub. There is no nudity but you do hear moaning and see the woman bouncing on top of the man. A man is seen about to rape a woman. Her breast is briefly visible. |
violence | 7/10 A boy is beaten with a whip and later a man punches the guy with the whip. A young boy sees a vampire below his bed (on a bunk) next to his mother. He later sees his mother thrashing about from the wound the vampire gave her. A man shoots a vampire in the head but he survives and beats the man. A man kills vampires. This is done very graphically. A vampire is seen with an old rounded bullet in his eye. Many vampires heads' are decapitated. In several scenes, vampires bite human throats. Many men are seen dead on a battlefield. Lots of blood is seen on the ground, etc. A young boy is seen dying from a vampire infliction. A woman picks up a musket and shoots a vampire with a necklace that has a toy sword on the end. The vampire is then seen with the end of the necklace hanging from its head where the toy sword is. |
profanity | 1 f-word, 1 anatomical term. |
alcohol | Several bar scenes feature men drinking whiskey. A wedding reception shows people drinking champagne. A man drinks wine first thing in the morning. A man takes a mouthful of wine at his plantation. |
frightening | The whole movie especially on vampire fighting scene is quite bloody. |