Nov 20,2015
Hollywood Movies | Drama | Horror | Mystery
nudity | The film opens with a sex scene however there is no nudity, and it's only implied. A few mild sexual references throughout. A character taunts another about an affair with another characters father. A reference about rape. One of the girls shares a story about her first period. |
violence | The film focuses on bullying throughout the entire film, including homophobic comments. A girl holds up a gun during one of the scenes and is seen taking a picture of herself with it. A man and woman are killed, however, when the man is killed we do see blood across the screen. Rude comments and and animated blood and knifes appear across the film throughout. The bullying sequences/scenes are hard to watch. They include crying, pushing and rude comments. We learn a character cuts herself due to bullying. After the sequence where a character is kicked out of the house, her father comes to the houses, and violently forces them to listen to the voicemail she left her father. The part of the film where the father bullies the girls is very disturbing and hard to watch. |
profanity | There is occasional usage of profanity in the film, several times from the 12-year-old girls. The term most often used is b***ch or it's derivatives -- most often to refer to one of the girls or all of them via social media. There are many usages of f*** or variations, used in anger as part of an exclamation. |
alcohol | The film includes smoking by main characters also including underage drinking. A character attends a program to help her alcohol addiction. |
frightening | The film is not rated yet. |